Falcon 4M Camera Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Software Interface: How
to Control the Camera
All cam era featu res can be controlled throu gh the serial interface. The cam era can also be
u sed w ithou t the serial interface after it has been set u p correctly. Fu nctions available
inclu d e:
Controlling basic cam era fu nctions su ch as gain and sync signal sou rce
Data read ou t control
Generating a test p attern for d ebu gging
The serial interface u ses a sim p le ASCII-based p rotocol and the cam era d oes not
requ ire any cu stom softw are.
Serial Protocol Defaults
8 d ata bits
1 stop bit
N o p arity
N o flow control
9.6 Kbp s
Cam era d oes not echo characters
Command Format
When entering com m and s, rem em ber that:
A carriage retu rn
end s each com m and .
The cam era w ill answ er each com m and w ith either
OK >
Error x:
Error Message >
. The
is alw ays the last character sent by the cam era.
The cam era accep ts both u p p er and low er case com m and s.
The follow ing p aram eter conventions are u sed in the m anu al:
= integer valu e
= real nu m ber
= m em ber of a set. Valu e m u st be entered exactly as d isp layed on help screen.