Falcon 4M Camera Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Keep cables as short as p ossible to red u ce voltage d rop . Long p ow er su p p ly lead s
m ay falsely ind icate that the p ow er su p p ly is w ithin the recom m end ed voltage range
even w hen the cam era at the connector is actu ally being su p p lied w ith m u ch less
Use high-qu ality
su p p lies to m inim ize noise.
Use an isolated typ e p ow er su p p ly to p revent LVDS com m on m od e range violation.
Perform ance sp ecifications are not gu aranteed if you r p ow er su p p ly d oes not m eet
these requ irem ents.
WARNING: It is extremely important that you apply the appropriate voltages to your
camera. Incorrect voltages will damage the camera. Protect the camera with a fast-blow
fuse between power supply and camera.