Falcon 4M Camera Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Introduction to the 4
Megapixel Falcon
1.1 Camera Highlights
4 m ega p ixels, 2352 (H ) x 1728 (V) resolu tion , CMOS area cam era
Global shu tter (non -rolling) for crisp im ages
60 fp s m od el or 30 fp s m od el
Color and m onochrom e m od els
Vertical w ind ow ing for faster fram e rate
7.4 µm x 7.4 µm p ixel p itch
4 x 80 MH z or 2 x 80 MH z d ata rates
N om inal broad band resp onsivity of 18.4 DN / (nJ/ cm
Good N IR resp onse
8 or 10 bit selectable ou tp u t
Dynam ic range of 57 d B
Base or Medium Camera Link™ interface
RoH S and CE com p liant
A sim p le ASCII p rotocol controls gain, offset, fram e rates, trigger m od e, test p attern
ou tp u t, and cam era d iagnostics.
The serial interface (ASCII, 9600 bau d , ad ju stable to 19200, 57600, 115200) op erates
throu gh Cam era Link.