Falcon 4M Camera Manual
Teledyne DALSA
3.3.3 Setting the Camera Link Strobe Frequency
Pu rp ose:
Sets the cam era link strobe frequ ency. Refer to the H ow to
Configu re Cam era Ou tp u t section, above, for a d escrip tion of how
cam era link strobe frequ ency relate to the cam era‘s Cam era Link
m od e.
Syntax Elem ents:
If u sing Cam era Link m od e 2 or 3:
: 65 MH z cam era link strobe w ith a total throu ghp u t of 130
MH z
: 80 MH z cam era link strobe w ith a total throu ghp u t of 160
MH z
If u sing Cam era Link 15 or 16 (4M60 only):
: 65 MH z cam era link strobe w ith a total throu ghp u t of 260
MH z
: 80 MH z cam era link strobe w ith a total throu ghp u t of 320
MH z
N otes:
To retrieve the cu rrent throu ghp u t, u se the com m and
get sot.
Exam p le:
sot 260
3.4 Setting Exposure Mode, Frame Rate and
Exposure Time
You have a choice of op erating in one of three exp osu re m od es. To select how you w ant
the camera‘s frame rate to be generated:
You m u st first set the cam era‘s exp osu re m od e u sing the
com m and .
N ext, if op erating in exp osu re m od e 2 u se the com m and
to set the fram e rate and
com m and to set the exp osu re tim e if in exp osu re m od e 2 or 6.
3.4.1 Non-concurrent vs. concurrent modes of
One of the m ain benefits of global shu tter CMOS d evices is that you have the choice to
op erate the cam era w here integration and read ou t are concu rrent or w here integration
and read ou t are not concu rrent. Integration refers to the tim e p eriod that the cam era can
be exp osed to light and is often referred to as exp osu re tim e. Read ou t refers to the tim e it
takes to read ou t every p ixel from the cam era. For a 60 fp s cam era, su ch as the Falcon
4M60, the read ou t p eriod is arou nd 16.6 m s.
Concu rrent m od e is w hen the cam era is integrating the cu rrent fram e (Fram e 1) and at the
sam e tim e is read ing ou t the p rior fram e (Fram e 0). By p erform ing integration and