Falcon 4M Camera Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Integration tim e = 15 m s
Am bient Tem p eratu re of 25 °C
N ote:
While the nu m ber of clu sters is not lim ited by a m axim u m nu m ber, the total
nu m ber of d efective p ixels cannot exceed 100. Therefore, you cou ld have 12 clu sters of 8
in size (12 x 8 = 96), bu t you cou ld not have 13 clu sters of 8 in size (13 x 8 = 104).
The p robability of 12 clu sters of 8 is negligible and is only u sed as an exam p le.
Camera Cosmetic Specification
Beyond sensor cosm etic testing, the cam era is p laced u nd er ad d itional testing to m ore
closely exam ine p otential cosm etic d efects d u e to the sensor glass.
Camera Cosmetic Specifications - Glass
Cosmetic Spec
Max. Deviation
from Mean
Cluster Size Max Number of Defects
Glass d efects
5 %
Definition of blemishes
Glass defects
A grou p of p ixels exceed ing the given clu ster size and the m axim u m d eviation from the
m ean. Im ages are taken at nom inal light (illu m ination at 50 % of the linear range). A
clu ster is d efined as a grou p in g of p ixels. A grou p ing of p ixels refers to ad jacent p ixels or
p ixels that tou ch.
In ad d ition, the cam era is exam ined against the follow ing cosm etic sp ecifications.
Camera Cosmetic Specifications – Sensor & Glass
Cosmetic Specification
Maximum Number of Defects
Dark p ixel d efects (> 300 DN )
Dark p ixel d efects (> 600 DN )
Single p ixel d efects
Definition of cosmetic specifications
D ark pixel defects
Pixel w hose signal, in d ark, exceed s the given threshold (10 bits).
Single pixel defect
Pixel w hose signal, at nom inal light (illu m ination at 50 % of satu ration ), d eviates by m ore
than ± 30 % from its neighboring p ixels.
Test conditions
Digital gain – 1X.
N om inal light = illu m ination at 50 % of satu ration.