Falcon 4M Camera Manual
Teledyne DALSA
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About Teledyne Technologies and Teledyne D ALSA, Inc.
Teled yne Technologies is a lead ing p rovid er of sop histicated electronic su bsystem s,
instru m entation and com m u nication p rod u cts, engineered system s, aerosp ace engines,
and energy and pow er generation systems. Teledyne Technologies‘ operations are
p rim arily located in the United States, the United Kingd om and Mexico. For m ore
information, visit Teledyne Technologies‘ w ebsite at w w w .teledyne.com.
Teled yne DALSA, a Teled yne Technologies com p any, is an international lead er in high
p erform ance d igital im aging and sem icond u ctors w ith ap p roxim ately 1,000 em p loyees
w orld w id e, head qu artered in Waterloo, Ontario, Canad a. Establis hed in 1980, the
com p any d esigns, d evelop s, m anu factu res and m arkets d igital im aging p rod u cts and
solu tions, in ad d ition to p rovid ing MEMS p rod u cts and services. For m ore inform ation,
visit Teledyne DALSA‘s w ebsite at w w w .teledynedalsa.com.
For fu rther inform ation not inclu d ed in this m anu al, or for inform ation on Teled yne
DALSA‘s extensive line of image sensing products, please contact:
N orth America
605 McMu rray Rd
Waterloo, ON N 2V 2E9
Canad a
Tel: 519 886 6000
Fax: 519 886 8023
w w w .teled yned alsa.com
sales.am ericas@teled yned alsa.com
su p p ort@teled yned alsa.com
Breslau er Str. 34
D-82194 Gröbenzell (Mu nich)
Germ any
Tel: +49 - 8142 – 46770
Fax: +49 - 8142 – 467746
w w w .teled yned alsa.com
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su p p ort@teled yned alsa.com
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Tel: 81 3 5960 6353
Fax: 81 3 5960 6354 (fax)
w w w .teled yned alsa.com
sales.asia@teled yned alsa.com
su p p ort@teled yned alsa.com
Cam era Link is a trad em ark registered by the A u tom ated Im aging Association, as chair of a com m ittee of
ind u stry m em bers inclu d ing Teled yne DALSA.