Falcon 4M Camera Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Snapshot Mode 1. Exposure concurrent with readout is allowed
If, having a m inim u m integration tim e of abou t 500 µs is not accep table, then Snap shot
Mod e 2 can be u sed , below , w hich allow s for integration tim es as low as 10 µs at the
exp ense of concu rrent integration and read ou t. Therefore, it is recom m end ed to only u se
Snap shot Mod e 2 if you r integration tim e m u st be below 500 µs. This is also the reason
w hy Snap shot Mod e 1 is the d efau lt m od e. The follow ing figu re show s the tim ing
op eration of Snap shot Mod e 2. N otice that w ith Snap shot Mod e 2 there is a d elay of Y
betw een the rise of integration and w hen exp osu re begins.
Snapshot Mode 2. Exposure concurrent with readout is NOT allowed