Falcon 4M Camera Manual
Teledyne DALSA
2.2 Input/Output Connectors and LED
The cam era u ses:
A d iagnostic LED for m onitoring the cam era. See LED Statu s Ind icator in section 2.2.1
LED Statu s Ind icator for d etails.
Tw o high-d ensity 26-p in MDR26 connectors for Cam era Link control signals, d ata
signals, and serial com m u nications. Refer to section 2.2.2 Cam era Lin k
Data Connector for d etails.
One 6-p in H irose connector for p ow er. Refer to section 2.2.3 Pow er Connector for
d etails.
Figure 9: Input and Output
Camera Link (Base Configuration)
Camera Link (Medium Configuration)
Diagnostic LED
+12V to +15V
Ensu re that all the correct voltages at fu ll load are p resent at the cam era p ow er connector
(irresp ective of cable len gth) accord ing to the p inou t d efined in section 2.2.3 Pow er
Connector. A com m on system p roblem is that the voltage d rop across the p ow er cable is
large enou gh that the voltage at the cam era d oes not m eet the p ow er i np u t voltage
sp ecifications.
2.2.1 LED Status Indicator
The cam era is equ ip p ed w ith a red / green LED u sed to d isp lay the op erational statu s of
the cam era. The table below su m m arizes the op erating states of the cam era and the
corresp ond ing LED states.
When m ore than one cond ition is active, the LED ind icates the cond ition w ith the highest
p riority. Error and w arning states are accom p anied by corresp ond ing m essages fu rther
d escribing the cu rrent cam era statu s.
Status LED
Color of Status LED Meaning
Flashing Green
Cam era initialization or execu ting a tim e consu m ing com m and
Solid Green
Cam era is op erational and fu nctioning correctly
Flashing Red
Fatal Error. System voltage ou t of tolerance.
Solid Red
Warning. Loss of fu nctionality (e.g. external SRAM failu re)