Falcon 4M Camera Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Exposure Modes in Detail
Mode 2: Internally Programmable Frame Rate and Exposure Time
The p aram eter being p rogram m ed (i.e. fram e rate or exp osu re tim e) w ill be the d riving
factor so that w hen setting the fram e rate, exp osu re tim e w ill d ecrease, if necessary, to
accom m od ate the new fram e rate. In reverse, the fram e rate is d ecreased , if necessary,
w hen the exp osu re tim e entered is greater than the fram e p eriod .
Refer to Allow able Exp osu re Tim e Increm ents on p age 36 for d etails on m inim u m
exp osu re tim e increm ents for this m od e.
The cam era w ill not set fram e p eriod s shorter than the read ou t p eriod .
Figure 13: Mode 2.
Frame Time
Frame Time
Readout Time
Readout Time
Exposure Time
Exposure Time
Programmable (SET)
Programmable (SET)
Programmable (SSF)
Programmable (SSF)