Falcon 4M Camera Manual
Teledyne DALSA
4.2 Lens Mounts
Monochrome Models
Flange Back Focal Length (sensor die to adapter)
6.56 ±0.25 m m
F-Mou nt
46.50 ±0.25 m m
C-Mou nt*
17.52 ±0.25 m m
*N ote that the u se of a C-Mou nt lens requ ires a C-m ou nt ad ap ter, and m ay cau se
vignetting d u e to the size of the im age sensor.
Color Models
Flange Back Focal Length (sensor die to adapter)
6.56 ±0.25 m m
F-Mou nt
46.50 ±0.25 m m .
C-Mou nt
N / A
4.3 Optical Interface
The am ou nt and w avelengths of light requ ired to cap tu re u sefu l im ages d ep end s on the
p articu lar ap p lication. Factors inclu d e the natu re, sp eed , and sp ectral characteristics of
objects being im aged , exp osu re tim es, light sou rce characteristics, environm ental and
acqu isition system sp ecifics, and m ore. Links on the Know led ge Center p age or ou r Web
, p rovid e an introd u ction to this p otentially com p licated issu e. See ―Rad iom etry
and Photo Responsivity‖ and "Sensitivities in Photometric Units" in the CCD Technology
Prim er fou nd u nd er the Ap p lication Su p p ort link.
It is often m ore im p ortant to consid er exp osu re than illu m ination. The total am ou nt of
energy (w hich is related to the total nu m ber of p hotons reaching the sensor) is m ore
im p ortant th an the rate at w hich it arrives. For exam p le, 5
J/ cm
can be achieved by
exp osing 5 m W/ cm
for 1 m s ju st the sam e as exp osing an intensity of 5 W/ cm
for 1
Light Sources
Keep these gu id elines in m ind w hen setting u p you r light s ou rce:
LED light sou rces are relatively inexp ensive, p rovid e a u niform field , and longer life
sp an com p ared to other light sou rces. H ow ever, they also requ ire a cam era w ith
excellent sensitivity.
H alogen light sou rces generally p rovid e very little blu e relative to IR.
Fiber-op tic light d istribu tion system s generally transm it very little blu e relative to IR.