Falcon 4M Camera Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Setting Maximum PRNU Multiplier
Pu rp ose:
Sets the m axim u m PRN U m u ltip lier th at w ill resu lt w hen CPA is
execu ted .
Syntax Elem ents:
Maxim u m m u ltip lier valu e: 4X, 8X, or 16X
N otes:
N ote that the actu al m axim u m m u ltip lier valu e w ill be slightly
less than 4X, 8X, or 16X.
In the p ast m onochrom e cam eras had this p erm anently set to
4X since in m ost ap p lications no m ore than this w as requ ired
and 4X is the m axim u m m u ltip lier that can be u sed before 8-bit
im ages start seeing m issing cod es.
8X m u ltip liers are u sed in color since, in som e cases, the colors
d iffer by m ore than a factor of 4.
H igher m axim u m m u ltip lier valu es can also serve to help
correct some ‗d efective‘ pixels w hich exhibit very high offset or
low resp onsivity. Care need s to be taken to ensu re only a sm all
p ortion of the PRN U coefficients are very high in valu e,
otherw ise m issing cod es and excessive noise w ill resu lt. That is,
u se the sm allest m axim u m m u ltip lier setting p ossible. 4X is
recom m end ed for m ono, 8X for color
Exam p le:
spm 4