Falcon 4M Camera Manual
Teledyne DALSA
10 PRN U m ap test p attern
Base level is d ep end ent on STP com m and (either 63, 127,
or 255 DN in 10 bit). PRN U correction is ap p lied
au tom atically by this test p atter (
epc 0 1
) in ord er to
see the PRN U coefficient m ap of the CSN set being u sed .
11 Fixed d ark (0DN ) test p attern
12 FPN m ap test p attern
Disp lays the FPN coefficients in each p ixel. They
range from 0 to 1023. This is you r FPN coefficient m ap
of the coefficient set you are cu rrently u sing (csn).
N ote:
When sw itching the cam era from vid eo m od e (svm 0) to one of the test p attern m od es (svm 1 thru 8) the
cam era ad ju sts any d igital gain (
), backgrou nd su btract (
), and settings cu rrently being u sed . The
d oes not tu rn off these settings and it d isp lays the settings u sed p rior to sw itching to test p attern m od e.
When retu rning to vid eo m od e (svm 0), the d igital gain, backgrou nd su btract, and exp osu re control settings are
retu rned to their p rior state.
Cu rrently, the test p atterns are intend ed for m onochrom e im aging. If color interp olation is ap p lied on these test
p atterns, you shou ld exp ect that artifacts near w hite to d ark transitions, su ch as for test p atterns involving ram p s.
Exam p le: svm 2