Falcon 4M Camera Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Setting Digital System Gain
Pu rp ose:
Use the setting d igital system gain com m and in ord er to:
1) White balance color cam eras.
2) Im p rove the signal ou tp u t sw ing after a backgrou nd su btract.
When su btracting a d igital valu e from the d igital vid eo signal,
u sing the
com m and , the ou tp u t can no longer reach its
m axim u m . Use this com m and to correct for this, w here:
ssg value =
max output value
max output value - ssb value
3) Increase or d ecrease the cam era's resp onsivity by increasing or
d ecreasing the d igital gain.
levels that create a d igital gain
below 1 w ill resu lt in the cam era not reaching 1023 DN .
t i
Syntax Elem ents:
Color selection. The allow able range is
, or
for all
colors. . 1 = Red , 2 = Green (Red ), 3 = Green (Blu e), and 4 =
Blu e.
Gain setting. The gain ranges are
. The d igital
vid eo valu es are m u ltip lied by this valu e w here:
Digital Gain=
For exam p le, to set a d igital gain of 1.0,
equ als 4096.
N otes:
Entering a large valu e gain w ill cau se the cam era to d igitally
satu rate the ou tp u t im age.
Entering a zero valu e gain w ill cau se the cam era to force the
p ixels in the d esignated tap to be 0 DN .
Entering a valu e less than 4096 w ill cau se the cam era t o not
be able to d igitally satu rate.
On the m onochrom e m od els, u se the all tap setting (
) to
ad ju st the overall d igital gain .
On a color cam era, each ind ivid u al color can be ad ju sted . For
exam p le, im agine the red p ixels give the strongest signal.
White balancing can be achieved by im aging a w hite target,
su ch as a w hite ceram ic tile, and gaining u p green and blu e
su ch that their ou tp u t signal m atches red .
Related Com m and s:
Exam p le:
ssg 0 5000