Falcon 4M Camera Manual
Teledyne DALSA
End row p ixel to d isp lay in a range from
Exam p le:
dpc 10 30 20 40
3.8 Offset and Gain Adjustments
Setting Analog Offset
Pu rp ose:
Sets the analog offset.
t i
Syntax Elem ents:
Tap selection. Allow able valu e is
for all tap s.
Analog offset valu e. Extrem e range is
bu t d ynam ic
range is d epend ent of the camera‘s current exposure mod e
and gain settings. A valu e of 100 d oes not equ al an offset of
100DN .
N otes:
When flat field correction is enabled the exp ectation is that in
the d ark the signal level is 0 DN . Som e u sers m ight requ ire a
non-zero d ark ou tp u t. This can be achieved by increasing
analog offset.
Take care not to increase SAO too m u ch w ith FFC enabled ,
otherw ise a PRN U-ind u ced FPN p attern w ill resu lt. Keep the
d ark offset below 5 DN (10 bit).
The offset increases linearly w ith higher valu es.
Entering a large valu e offset w ill cau se the cam era to d igitally
satu rate the ou tp u t im age.
The resu ltin g analog offset valu e d ep end s on other cam era
p aram eters su ch as tem p eratu re, fram e rate, and exp osu re
m od e.
Exam p le:
sao 0 20