Falcon 4M Camera Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Mode 4: Smart EXSYNC, External Frame Rate and Exposure Time
In this m od e, EXSYN C sets both the fram e p eriod and the exp osu re tim e. The rising ed ge
of EXSYN C m arks the beginning of the exp osu re and the falling ed ge initiates read ou t.
Refer to the Allow able Exp osu re Tim e Increm ents table on p age 36 for d etails on
m inim u m exp osu re tim e increm ents for this m od e.
Figure 14: Mode 4.
Frame Time
Frame Time
Readout Time
Readout Time
Exposure Time
Exposure Time
User Exsync
Mode 6: External Frame Rate, Programmable Exposure Time
In this m od e, the fram e rate is set externally w ith the falling ed ge of EXSYN C generating
the rising ed ge of a p rogram m able exp osu re tim e.
Figure 15: Mode 6.
Frame Time
Frame Time
Readout Time
Exposure Time
Programmable (SET)
User Exsync
Exposure Time
Programmable (SET)
Internally-generated Exsync