Falcon 4M Camera Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Determining the Y parameter
As m entioned , the Y p aram eter is arou nd 500 µs. The Y p aram eter d ep end s u p on the
nu m ber of row s u sed , w hether the cam era ou tp u ts at 80 MH z or 65 MH z, and w hether
the cam era being u sed is in 2 tap m od e (Falcon 4M30) or 4 tap m od e (Falcon 4M60). To
obtain the Y p aram eter, execu te the
com m and . The cam era shou ld resp ond and
―Frame Dump Time: 487.5 µs‖.
The 487.5 µs u sed here rep resents the Y p aram eter for the factory settings of the Falcon
What do I do if I cannot use either Snapshot Mode?
We recom m end that you op erate the cam era in Snap shot Mod e. H ow ever, in som e cases
this m ay not be p ossible. Therefore, the cam era can be setu p to d isable Snap shot Mod e
efd 0
) and retu rn the cam era to the m od e u sed p rior to the introd u ction of Snap shot
Mod e.
Different snap shot m od es w ill p rod u ce d ifferent FPN , and p ossibly d ifferent PRN U
p atterns. The u ser is encou raged to m atch the snap shot m od e w ith their corresp ond ing
coefficients. This cam era has 6 sets of coefficients: 3 factory and 3 u ser:
0, 3
1, 4
2, 5
FPN and PRN U coefficients for set 0 (
csn 0
) w ere calcu lated w ith EFD 1 and set 1 w ith
EFD 0 as show n above, etc. Sets 3 to 5 can be u ser w riten, and m irror their factory
cou nterp arts as show n above.
Exam p le:
The u ser changes from snap shot m od e 1 to 0.
In ord er to load the ap p rop riate coefficients w e m u st first p oint to the right set by
send ing
csn 1
The coefficients need to be then load ed into volatile m em ory by send ing
If the u ser w ishes to load
csn 1
on cam era p ow er-u p then these settings shou ld be
saved by send ing