Falcon 4M Camera Manual
Teledyne DALSA
3.4.2 Setting the Frame Rate
Pu rp ose:
Sets the camera‘s frame rate in frames per second (Hz).
Syntax Elem ents:
Set the fram e rate in H z in a range from
(4M60 fu ll
fram e, 80 MH z cam era link strobe, efd 1) or
(4M30 fu ll
fram e, 80 MH z cam era link strobe, efd 1). Range increases
w hen u sing a vertical w ind ow of interest.
N otes:
Cam era m u st be op erating in exp osu re m od e 2.
Allow able range is d ep end ent on the cu rrent Cam era Link
m od e, snap shot m od e, nu m ber of fast fram e d u m p s and
w ind ow size. Refer to section above for m ore inform ation on
Cam era Link m od es. Refer to section 3.5 for m ore inform ation
on setting a w ind ow size.
Changing the fram e rate w ill au tom atically ad ju st the
exp osu re tim e if necessary. The cam era send s a w arning w hen
this occu rs.
Refer to section 3.3.3 Setting the Cam era Link Strobe
Frequ ency for m ore inform ation on how to set the cam era link
When in SEM 2, the help screen (h) w ill show n the lim its for
Related Com m and s:
Exam p le:
ssf 25.0