Falcon 4M Camera Manual
Teledyne DALSA
1.6 Shock and Vibration
The Falcon 4M60 and 4M30 cam eras are shock and vibration tested to ensu re that they can
w ithstand the challenges and thrive in an ind u strial settings.
The cam eras m eet or exceed the follow ing sp ecifications:
Random vibration per MIL-STD -810F at 25 G
/HZ [Pow er Spectral D ensity] or 5 RMS
Shock testing 75 G peak acceleration per MIL-STD -810F
The cam eras m eet the follow ing Mean Tim e Before Failu re (MTBF) sp ecifications:
Ambient Temperature
40 °C
>65,000 hour
50 °C
>40,000 hours
As show n , MTBF is highly d ep end ant u p on tem p eratu re. To im p rove MTBF red u ce the
am bient tem p eratu res, by u sing or increasing heat sinking or cooling of the cam era. MTBF
is related to tem p eratu re. At low er tem p eratu res MTBF nu m bers increase significantly. It
is recom m end ed that if high MTBF nu m bers are d em and ed by you r ap p lication you
inclu d e som e typ e of cooling in you r system , su ch as, forced air.