Falcon 4M Camera Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Fram e Rate = 60 fp s (Falcon 4M60), 30 fp s (Falcon 4M30).
Integration tim e = 15 m s.
Am bient Tem p eratu re of 25 °C.
N ote: all of the above sensor and cam era cosm etic sp ecifications are w ith flat field
correction tu rned off (
epc 0 0
). There are no p ost flat field correction (
epc 1 1
) cam era
cosm etic sp ecifications.
Color Cosmetic specifications
Color cam era cosm etic sp ecifications in the d ark (su ch as hot p ixels) w ill be the sam e as
m onochrom e sp ecifications. Sp ecifications in the light are p end ing.
1.4 Image Sensor and Pixel Readout
The cam era u ses ou r new DCR2417M, 4 m ega p ixel, 2352 x 1728 CMOS sensor.
Figure 1: 4 Tap Sensor Block Diagram
N ote: As view ed from the front of the cam era w ithou t lens. The bottom of the cam era has
a ¼-20 trip od m ou nt.
Row 2
Tap 2
Column 235
Row 2
Tap 1
Column 23
Row 1
Column 1
Tap 1
Row 1
Column 2
Tap 2
Row 1
Column 3
Tap 3
Row 1
Column 2351
Tap 3
Row 1
Column 2350
Tap 2
Row 1
Column 2349
Tap 1
Row 2
Column 1
Tap 1
Row 2
Column 2
Tap 2
Row 2
Column 3
Tap 3
Row 2
Tap 3
Column 235
Row 1727
Column 2351
Tap 3
Row 1727
Column 2350
Tap 2
Row 1727
Column 2349
Tap 1
Row 1727
Column 3
Tap 3
Row 1727
Column 2
Tap 2
Row 1727
Column 1
Tap 1
Row 1727
Column 2352
Tap 4
Row 2
Tap 4
Column 2352
Row 1
Column 2352
Tap 4
Row 1728
Column 1
Tap 1
Row 1728
Column 2
Tap 2
Row 1728
Column 3
Tap 3
Row 1728
Column 2349
Tap 1
Row 1728
Column 2350
Tap 2
Row 1728
Column 2351
Tap 3
Row 1728
Column 2352
Tap 4
Pixel read out direction is left to right then bottom to top
Row 1
Column 4
Tap 4
Row 2
Column 4
Tap 4
Row 1727
Column 4
Tap 4
Row 1728
Column 4
Tap 4