IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode Installation
Page 56
15-601042 Issue 24i (20 December 2011)
IP Office 8.0
3.3.5 Starting Monitor
IP Office Monitor (also know as System Monitor) is a tool that can show all activity
on the IP Office system in great detail. As a consequence, interpretation of
Monitor traces requires a high-level of data and telephony protocol knowledge.
However, all IP Office installers and maintainers must understand how to run
Monitor when necessary as Avaya may request copies of Monitor traces to resolve
support issues.
IP Office Administration PC
A Windows PC with the
IP Office Administrator Application suite installed
LAN Cable
1. Select Start | Programs | IP Office | Monitor.
2. If System Monitor has been run before it will attempt to connect with the system which it monitored previously. If
otherwise or you want to monitor a different system use the steps below.
3. Select File | Select Unit.
4. Enter the IP Office IP address and password of the IP Office Control Unit you want to monitor.
For an IP Office system, ensure that the Control Unit Type is set to IP Office.
5. Click OK.