Power Quality Analyzer Model 8335
The Inrush tab displays recorded Inrush data that is stored on the PowerPad
The Monitoring tab displays recorded tests that can be downloaded and
After selecting a recording and clicking
, the summary window appears
showing the results after all the data has been downloaded to a database. It
displays the name, percent of the 10-minute periods that it has been out of range,
followed by the range it needed to be within.
6.8 Saving Real-time Measurements
Real-time data received from an instrument can be saved directly into a record-
ing session database. This differs from the process of downloading and saving
recorded data in that the measurements are stored on the computer as the instru-
ment measures them. These measurements are not necessarily being stored
within the instrument. However, the instrument may be configured to record at
the same time real-time measurements are being received from the instrument. In
which case, two copies of the measurements will be stored. One copy is stored on
the local computer and the other in memory within the instrument.
To Save a Real-time Measurement:
1. From the Realtime Trend window, check the
“Rec to PC”
2. In the Save As dialog box that appears, specify the type of file to save in the
“Save as Type”
field. The choices are .dvb (DataView database), .xls (Excel
spreadsheet), or .csv (Comma Separated File). Specify the name of the file
by typing it into the File name field, select the desired location to save the file,
then click Save to save the file.
3. When the
“Rec to PC”
option is unchecked the file can be opened by select
from the View Saved File dialog box.
To edit the Session Properties, return to the Power Analyzer Control Panel and
File > Edit Session Properties
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