Power Quality Analyzer Model 8335
Shows a real-time trend of data from the PowerPad
. The data is an average of
waveforms downloaded to the PC whose scale adjusts constantly to fit all the data
it has received.
6.7 Downloading Data
To download recorded data, go to
Instrument > Recorded Data
, recorded data
can also be found from the Instrument tree view. Expand the sections under
“Recorded Data from the Instrument”
then click on a line that describes the
desired recorded data. It will bring up a window with a graph of the data.
Figure 6-16
Select the data you want to download by clicking on the desired tab
(Recordings, Photographs, etc.), then clicking on the file name.
You can choose to view the data in three different ways:
“Create DataView Report”
inserts the data into a DataView
which can then be viewed, modified and saved.
“Create Spreadsheet”
saves the data in a Microsoft
Excel spreadsheet
(.csv file) which can then be viewed, modified and saved.
opens up a window with a graph of the data where the user can
select to
“Create DataView Report”
, and
“Create Spread-
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