Video Quality
Click to show/hide the video quality information including bitrate and
Full Screen
Image display size can be adjusted to full screen. Alternatively, right click on the
Live Video Pane and select <Fullscreen> to go full screen.
To exit full screen mode, users can (1) tap <Esc> on the keyboard; (2) double
click on the Live Video Pane; (3) right click on the Live Video Pane and select
<Normal view>.
(On / Off)
Talk function allows the local site talks to the remote site. Click on the button to
switch it to On / Off. Users must select the suitable transmission mode under this
Streaming> Audio
to enable this function.
(On / Off)
Click on <Listen> to mute / activate the audio. Users must select the suitable
transmission mode under
Streaming> Audio
to enable this function.
Talk and Listen functions are only available for user
accounts that have been granted this privilege by the administrator.
Please refer to Security:
Add user> Talk/Listen
for further details.
Click on the button and the JPEG snapshots will automatically be saved in the
appointed place. The default place of saving snapshots is: C:\. To change the
storage location, please refer to section
File Location
for further details.
With Windows 7 operating system or above, to implement the
Snapshot function, users must run IE as administrator. Right click on
the IE browser icon and select
“Run As Administrator” to launch IE.
Live View Pause / Restart
(Pause / Restart)
Click on <Pause> to disable video streaming, the live video will be displayed as
black. Click on <Restart> to show the live video again.