Normally the setting range of the <Pre-trigger buffer> is 1
to 20 frames. However, the setting range will change accordingly
if the frame rate of MJPEG on the <Video Configuration> setting
page is 6 or smaller.
Check the box <Continue image upload> to upload the triggered images
during certain time or keep uploading until the trigger is off. Select
<Upload for __ sec> and enter the duration in the blank. The images of
the duration will be uploading by E-mail when tampering is triggered.
The setting range is from 1 to 99999 sec. Select <Upload during the
trigger active> to make the images keep being upload to E-mail during
the trigger active until tampering stops. Set the Image frequency as the
upload frame rate. The setting range is from 1 to 20 frames.
Make sure SMTP configuration has been completed.
Refer to section
for further details.
Send HTTP Notification
Check this item, select the destination HTTP address, and specify the
parameters for HTTP notifications. When the Tampering Alarm is
triggered, the HTTP notifications can be sent to the specified HTTP
For instance, if the custom parameter is set as
”, and
the HTTP server name is “
”, the notification
will be sent to HTTP server as
” when alarm is triggered.
Record Video Clip
Check this item and select a video recording storage type, <SD Card> or
<NAS> (Network-Attached Storage). The alarm-triggered recording will
be stored into microSD/SD card or the NAS.
Pre-trigger buffer
recording function allows users to check what
the trigger. The pre-trigger buffer time range is from 1 to 3 sec.
Select <Upload for __ sec> to set the recording duration after tampering
occurs. The setting range is from 1 to 99999 sec. Select <Upload during
the trigger active> to record the triggered video until the trigger is off.