Manual Trigger
The Manual Trigger setting can be found under this path:
System> Events>
Manual Trigger
With Manual Trigger setting, the current image(s) or video can be uploaded to
the appointed destination, such as an FTP site or an E-mail address. The
administrator can specify the triggered actions that will take when the users
switch the Manual Trigger button to ON. All options are listed as follows.
Manual Trigger
The default setting for the Manual Trigger function is <Off>. Enable the function
by selecting <On>. After the Manual Trigger function is enabled, click the
Manual Trigger button on the Home page to start uploading data. Click again to
stop uploading.
Triggered Action
The administrator can specify alarm actions that will take at an alarm
occurrence. All options are listed as follows.
Enable Alarm Output (high/low)
Select these items to enable alarm relay outputs.
IR Cut Filter
Select the item and the IR cut filter (ICR) of the camera will be removed
(on) or blocked (off) when alarm input is triggered. This function is only
available for models with IR cut filter.
The IR Function (refer to section
IR Function
) could not
be set as <Auto> mode if this triggered action is enabled.
Send Message by FTP/E-Mail
The administrator can select whether to send an alarm message by FTP
and/or E-mail when an alarm is triggered.
Upload Image by FTP
Select this item and the administrator can assign an FTP site and
configure various parameters. When the alarm is triggered, event
images will be uploaded to the appointed FTP site. Note that to
implement this function, one of the streaming
be set as
otherwise, this function will be grayed out and cannot be accessed.