# max_range: 240
Maximum reliable range in inches; affects
distance resolution
# filter1: cull_10_12_3_3
# filter2: median_0.45
# filter3: rc_0.45
# filter4: cull_10_12_3_3
Record of system filtering applied to
incoming, raw scan data
# --begin_comments--
Up to 20 lines of arbitrary comments are
allowed here
# --end_header--
Column Data Format
The first word, an integer, specifies the number of RTPI values in this column of
This is followed by the RTPI values for the column:
R: the range, in inches, stored as a float
T: theta, the angle, in radians around the azimuth, stored as a float
P: phi, the elevation, in radians, stored as an IEEE float
Intensity or Color:
Intensity is stored as a 32-bit integer
Color and Intensity are stored as 4 unsigned bytes (r, g, b, i)
C++ Code for Reading and Writing RTPI Files
C++ code for reading and writing RTPI files, along with documentation, is included in the
directory. These compile on Windows systems.
Changing the IP Address of the DeltaSphere-3000
Occasionally, the default IP address assigned to your DeltaSphere will need to be changed –
typically to fit into an organization’s IP addressing conventions. This can only be done after
your DeltaSphere is functioning and connected to a PC or network as described in the previous
IMPORTANT NOTE: Familiarity with telnet, ftp, and PC
networking are requirement for proceeding with this operation. If
you need assistance, contact your system administrator, your
DeltaSphere reseller, or 3rdTech. All directions below assume a
working knowledge of these three areas.
DeltaSphere-3000 3D Scene Digitizer