Miscellaneous Color Alignment Features
There are circumstances when you need to redo color alignment. You may decide the alignment
you did needs improvement. Or you may want to apply the alignment from one photo to a
brighter or darker version of the same shot. There are two features that provide these
Re-using Correspondence Points
If you would like to redo color alignment, you can recover the set of correspondence points used
in two ways. Either double-click on the appropriate correspondence group in the scene tree, or
right-click on that group and select
Make Group Active
This will open the appropriate range and image files with the set of correspondence points in
place. These points will also appear in the scene tree under Correspondence Points. These can
then be reused or edited as necessary.
Sharing Alignment
There are several situations where you might want a file to have the same alignment as another
file. You might have an image that is brighter, but taken from the exact same position. Or you
might need to edit an image in Photoshop. To give this image the same alignment as an already
aligned image, select both files in the scene tree. (
to select more than one file.) Then, from
the Edit menu select
Align -> Share Alignment With
. The unaligned image will be given the
same alignment as the aligned image. To map the new image to the data, select
in the color
align tab. Then select the appropriate range file and the image. The program will see that this
image is aligned and the
button will be enabled. You can select
without picking
any correspondence points and without selecting
DeltaSphere-3000 3D Scene Digitizer