Aligning More Files
Having completed aligning one range file to another, you may have other scans of the same
scene to align. The steps for doing this are almost identical to what you did for the first
. Choose any aligned range file and then the new range file to be aligned.
Be sure that the aligned file you choose has some overlap with the new file.
Choose correspondence points in the two windows.
and check the size of the error.
and check the location of the points.
As with the first alignment, save the scene file to save the alignment.
Note: You need not align all files to the same file. That is, if you align file A to
file B and B to C, files A and C will also be aligned.
Copy Correspondence Points
Sometimes correspondence points that were used to align one range file to another can be used
to align a different range file. Rather than carefully selecting each point again, you can use the
Copy Correspondence Points function in the
Edit -> Align
menu to reuse the points already
Note: This is not often used for aligning Range data because the point selection is
generally fast and easy. It is more commonly used for color alignment.
After selecting New and identifying the two range files to be aligned, select a correspondence
group from the
Correspondence Groups
folder in the Scene Tree. Then choose
Correspondence Points
from the
Edit -> Align
menu. This will copy each point onto the range
file you are aligning to. It does not copy the corresponding points to the new range file (they
would not align correctly). Now, to create corresponding points, select a point either in the
range window or in the Correspondence Points folder in the Scene Tree. Then create a matching
point in the other range window. It will be numbered appropriately. You do not need to use all
of the points copied. You can either delete them or leave them unmatched. They will not be
used in the alignment. You can add additional points in the usual way.
Share Alignment
Occasionally two files should have the same alignment – often because they are from the same
data. For example, you might create a model from an rtpi file before the rtpi file has been
aligned. After aligning the rtpi file, SceneVision won’t know that the model should also be
aligned. (Models created after alignment are automatically aligned.) In the Edit menu, the
-> Share Alignment With
function solves this problem. Select the aligned rtpi file and the
unaligned model created from the rtpi file, and choose this function. The model ‘shares’ the
alignment with the rtpi file because it is derived from the same data.
DeltaSphere-3000 3D Scene Digitizer