window is closed, the file will be gone. The * appears next to any file that has
been modified and should be saved to retain the modification. If you would like
to save the file, use the
Save File
Save File As
functions from the File menu.
The model created will not, typically, use all of the points from the data set. The function uses
the parameter ‘
Target Triangles in Model
’ found under
in the
menu, as well as
in the SceneVision configuration file and in the Parameters Toolbar. It will uniformly
‘decimate’ the number of points, by selecting every 2
, 3
, or nth point in both azimuth and
elevation, to produce a model with fewer triangles than this number.
For example, a file with one million points will produce a model with approximately two
million triangles – which is too large for viewing interactively on many PCs. If the Target
Triangles in Model number is 600,000, the function might choose every second point in both
azimuth and elevation. This would produce approximately 250,000 points (one fourth of the
original), and a model with approximately 500,000 triangles.
Note: You only need to specify the number of triangles you want in the model –
the program determines the decimation needed.
Create Model from Selected Data
This function is very similar to Create 3D Popup from Region, but works on one file or many
files. Also, the files need not be open in a window (though they may be) and it will work with
both range files and model files. If more than one file is selected, they must all be aligned.
To use the function, select one or more aligned range and/or model files in the Scene Tree. (
to make multiple selections.) Then select the function from the Edit menu. You will be asked to
name the new model file (and you can select a different directory for the file at this time as
well). The function then will take each selected file in turn.
If it is a model (wrl) file, it will add it to the new model in its entirety.
If it is a range (rtpi) file and a data region is selected, it will create a model from the
selected data only. If no region is selected, or if the file is not open, it will use the entire
file. In addition, just as with Create 3D Popup, it will use the Target Triangles in Model
parameter to determine the size of the model it creates.
Note: If you have multiple range files selected, the program will use the Target
Triangles in Model parameter for each file – not for the total of all files. For
example, if your Target Triangles in Model is 200,000 and you select 5 files, you
could produce a model with up to 1,000,000 triangles.
The models from each of the files will be included in a single, new model.
As with the previous function, the model created is temporary and should be saved if you wish
to keep it.
DeltaSphere-3000 3D Scene Digitizer