Corner Line Wizard
Takes a set of vertical edges between walls (typically produced
with the Wall Intersection Wizard) and, with floor and ceiling
planes, produces all the edges of a room.
Intersect Plane with Model
Intersects a plane with the triangles in the model creating a
contour or cross section composed of line segments. Select a
plane and select the function.
Simplify Contour Lines
Combines multiple line segments into a smaller number of
longer segments if the endpoints are close and the lines are
close to collinear. Select the contour and then select the
Calculate Line-Line Angle
Calculates the angle between two lines (the angle defined by
dealing with the two as vectors intersecting). Select 2 lines in
the scene tree and then select the function. The angle is
displayed in a popup window but is not stored.
Calculate Line-Plane Angle
Calculates the angle between a line and a plane. Select the line
and plane in the scene tree and then select the function. The
angle is displayed in a popup window but is not stored.
Calculate Plane-Plane Angle
Calculates the (dihedral) angle between two planes. Select the
two planes in the scene tree and then select the function. The
angle is displayed in a popup window but is not stored.
Window Menu
Organizes the open windows to be equal size and overlapping.
Tile Horizontally
Organizes the open windows to be equal size and fill the space.
Tile Vertically
open windows to be equal size and fill the space.
Arrange Icons
Arranges the icons for the minimized windows.
Changes the active window.
Changes the active window.
Help Menu
Opens the manual (if available).
Displays information about SceneVision-3D
About Model
Displays information about the model
Set Scene/Model Info
Select to enter information about the model that will be
displayed when the model is opened and when
About Model
selected from the Help menu.
DeltaSphere-3000 3D Scene Digitizer