SceneVision Configuration File
The SceneVision configuration file, dsModel.cfg, can be found in the ‘bin’ directory – typically
in C:\Program Files\DeltaSphere\bin (or wherever the DeltaSphere software was installed). This
is a text file that can be edited to change various default values. The values can also be changed
and saved in the Preferences entry of the File menu. A typical configuration file is listed below.
# DeltaSphere Preferences Version 3.0
# SceneVision configuration options
# Copyright 2003-2005, DeltaSphere, Inc.
# Directory to contain all Scan Wizard scene files. Value must be in quotes.
root_data_directory = "C:\deltasphere\deltadata"
# Display units: allowable values are inches, meters, centimeters, millimeters
display_units = feet
# Increment to round displayed distances to, for each unit.
units_round_inches = 0.1
units_round_feet = 0.01
units_round_meters = 0.002
units_round_centimeters = 0.2
units_round_millimeters = 2
# Number of decimal places for displayed distances, for each unit.
units_decimals_inches = 1
units_decimals_feet = 2
units_decimals_meters = 3
units_decimals_centimeters = 1
units_decimals_millimeters = 0
# When models are created, the maximum dimension of texture to create.
# 0 means no maximum, don't scale.
maximum_new_texture_size = 2048
# When using the slice tool, an estimate of maximum triangle edge
# length to limit search time. In inches.
approx_max_tri_edge_length = 20.000
# A bound on the default number of triangle used in popup 3D models
target_model_tris = 600000
# The minimum angle between a triangle and the laser for it to
# be included in generated 3D models
model_angle_to_triangle = 12.0
# Largest file size in Mb for a 3D model to load without warnings
model_size_warning = 250
DeltaSphere-3000 3D Scene Digitizer