Creating blood-spatter trajectories
Display the scene from a particular, real-world viewpoint
Capturing ‘snapshots’ of the model viewed from different perspectives
Overlaying the scene with a measurement grid
These tools are described in section 8.
Creating a Scene
All work with SceneVision involves working with a scene file. A scene might comprise a single
file; using SceneVision to view an image or 3D model. A scene can also comprise dozens (or
hundreds) of files produced by scanning and photographing multiple rooms at a site. This
section describes some typical ways to create scene files in each of these situations.
The SceneVision Window Layout
Before beginning, let’s take a look at the SceneVision window. When you run SceneVision, the
window will look like Figure 18. It is divided into several sections.
Figure 18 SceneVision window
Near the top left are five menus – File, Edit, View, Window and Help. Additional menus
appear when data windows are opened.
Below the menus are tabs which provide four main categories of functions. DeltaSphere
control is through the Scan tab. Most viewing and annotation functions are in the Main tab.
The other two tabs, Range Align and Color Align, are specifically for processing scanned
Beneath the tabs is the main toolbar with functions for viewing, annotations and analysis.
All of these functions are described elsewhere in this manual.
Note: You can turn the various toolbars on or off by right-clicking on an empty
space in the toolbar and selecting from the popup menu that appears.
DeltaSphere-3000 3D Scene Digitizer