® 2018 Valco Companies, Inc.
The controller saves historical opening size information for curtains, inlets, ridge vents and chimney dampers. The
number of inches open is a running average for the hour.
The time listed next to O is the time spent opening and the time listed next to C is the time spent closing. These are
actual times rather than the times expected according to the controller’s settings.
HISTORY FOR 11/20/2010 AT 13:00 Z1-S02
Sidewall Inlet #1 Actual O-21:00 C-21:00
The amount of water consumed is often used as an indicator of animal health.
HISTORY FOR 11/20/2010 AT 13:00 Z1-S02
Water Meter #1 Gallons Used: 120
Every time the controller performs a power-up restart, the System Restart incident counter for that hour is
incremented by one. A restart may occur as a result of a power loss, system reset, or watchdog reset. This is a
troubleshooting aid.
HISTORY FOR 11/20/2010 AT 13:00 Z1-S02
System Restart Incidents: 1
HISTORY FOR 11/20/2010 AT 13:00 Z1-S02
Sidewall Inlet #1 Avg Open: 11”
History Menu (Hot Key) - continued
Opening Sizes
Water Use
System Restart
Runtimes and Average BTU Output
HISTORY FOR 06/12/2015 AT 10:00 Z1-S02
VariBrooder #1 105K C-7:50 A-7:50
For the Vari-Brooders and Vari-Heaters, the average BTU output for the hour of the heater is shown before the
runtimes. This average BTU value is calculated only while the heater was running.