® 2018 Valco Companies, Inc.
In Version 6.00 of the software, a feature was added to the Sidewall Inlets and Ceiling Inlets to improve the Power-To-
Natural operations of the controller. The feature provides the ability to move the inlets to a specified position, regard
less of the number of fans running, once a sidewall curtain is opened far enough to provide adequate air movement.
This new feature is only available for Sidewall and Ceiling inlets and only when one of the three Natural operating
modes is configured (Temp Natural Only, Temp Natural/Temp Tunnel, and Temp Natural/Static Tunnel).
The way this feature works is the inlet will continue to operate normally, which is to open and close based on the
number of fans running. Once a curtain opens to the specified setting, the inlet will disregard the number of fans
running and will move to the inlet opening size specified and stay there. Once the curtain closes below the specified
opening size, the inlet will return to normal operations based on the number of fans running again.
The following three menus are associated with the “Curtain Override” feature:
Set the Close To setting to the opening size of the inlet when the “Curtain Override” feature is enabled and in effect.
Set the When Curtain >= setting to the minimum opening size of the curtain in order for this feature to take effect.
Note: If the Curtain size is set to 0, this feature is disabled, and the inlet will continue to run based on the number of
fans running, regardless of curtain opening size
Sidewall, Tunnel & Ceiling Inlet Settings - continued
Perform Re-Sync at : 0:00
Close to 0 when Curtain >= 35
Curtain Override of Sidewall and Ceiling inlets.
The next two menus will only show if the “When Curtain >=” setting is above 0.
Set this setting to a temperature where the inlet should start ignoring the Curtain Open size and return to normal
operations. This allows the inlet to be used again when the temperature gets high and more air is needed to cool
the room. Once the temperature gets above this setting, the temperature has to drop 0.5 degrees below this setting
before the inlet will start looking at the curtain open sizes again.
Close Override Temperature
Close Override Temperture: 75.2
Close To / When Curtain >=
This feature is ignored while in Tunnel Mode. If the inlets are set to operate while in Tunnel Mode, they
will operate based on the number of Tunnel fans running, regardless of curtain opening sizes.