® 2018 Valco Companies, Inc.
This menu item doesn’t appear for curtains set up for static control (refer to the Operating Modes:
Curtains and Inlets section).
Refer to the Temperature Control Settings section for information about interlocking a heater or
ridge vent to your curtains. Interlocking a heater prevents it from turning on when the curtain is
open more than one inch. Interlocking a ridge vent allows it to open and close in sync with a curtain
resulting in enhanced air quality.
Refer to the Operating Modes: Curtains and Inlets section for a list of modes. This menu item appears only when
a tunnel fan (allows for tunnel mode) or a static pressure sensor (allows for static pressure controlled modes) is
installed. Otherwise, the controller assumes the curtain is Temp Natural Only.
Close This Distance and Pause
Input the distance the controller should close the curtain before pausing. Then input the Pause time. After the PAUSE
time, the controller checks the temperature and determines if it should close the curtain more, do nothing, or begin
opening it.
Open 12” and Pause: 0:02:00
Static Pressure Pause Timer
Side Curtain Settings - continued
Input the time the curtain should pause after it moves due to a change in static pressure. The pause time prevents
the curtain from responding too often to changes in static pressure. This menu item appears only when the curtain is
set up to run according to static pressure. If the curtain moves too often, try increasing the time entered here.
Static Pressure Pause Timer: 0:15
Set the maximum opening size of the curtain if the temperature is below a certain point. If the temperature is below
the set value then the curtain will only open to the maximum opening size. If the temperature is higher than the set
temperature then the curtain is allowed to open fully. This menu only appears if a position sensor is attached to it,
is calibrated and set to alarm if out of position. If the position sensor is in an alarm state then the Maximum Opening
is ignored.
Maximum Opening: 0 Below Temp: 70.0
Operate as: Temp Natural Only
Maximum Opening below Temperature
Operating Mode