® 2018 Valco Companies, Inc.
Side Curtain Settings - continued
Pre-Open Timer
This menu item allows static-pressure-controlled or proportional-controlled curtains to open in advance of a timed
fan turning on (“timed” includes minimum ventilation cycles). Input the number of seconds, up to one minute, the
curtain should start opening prior to the start of a timed fan. The pre-open time alleviates the spike in static pressure
that might otherwise occur when fans turn on before curtains are adequately open.
Pre-Open Timer: 0:30
Normal static-pressure or proportional control is resumed once the timed cycle begins.
If the exercise routine has not fully opened the curtain after 150% of the Open travel time plus the Close travel time,
the routine will abort and return the curtain to natural ventilation mode operation.
Early finish to the exercise routine
Once the curtain has fully closed, three things can happen based on the current curtain temperature:
1. If the temperature is below the curtain’s Close Temperature, the curtain will stay fully closed and normal
operations will resume.
2. If the temperature is above the Close Temperature but below the Open Temperature, the curtain will open to 50%
and normal operations will resume.
3. If the Temperature is above the Open Temeprature, the curtain will open fully before normal operations resume.
Maximum Opening Size is ignored during the exercise routine. It is assumed that the temperature is hot enough for
days-on-end and the Maximum Open Size Temperature is not in effect.
Curtain Exercise Routine
This feature gives the ability to have the controller fully close the Sidewall curtains after long periods of being fully
open. When curtains remain open for long periods of time, it is possible for rodents to build nests in the gathered
curtain. This routine will help drive the rodents from the curtain. When the Exercise routine is being performed, the
word “Exercising” is added to the Current Status screen of the curtain.
The exercise routine is only available when a curtain is set to one of the natural modes of operation based on
temperature. If the curtain is controlled by static pressure or a position based on the number of fans running, then
the exercise routine will not be performed and the following menus will not be displayed.
Exercise Delay Days
Exercise Delay Days: 5
Set the number of consecutive days the curtain has to be open greater than 50 % before the exercise routine is run.
The curtain cannot close below 50% during this period in order for the routine to run. This value has to be greater
than 0 before the exercise routine is performed.
Perform Exercise At
Set the time of day the exercise routine should run. At the set time each day, the controller will check how many
consecutive days the curtain has been open greater than 50 %. If the number of days matches the Exercise Delay
Days, the curtain will be closed completely and then opened again. Setting the time to 24:00 will disable the exercise
routine. The Exercise Delay Days has to be greater than 0 for the menu to appear.
Perform Exercise At: 0:00
Exercise Aborted