® 2018 Valco Companies, Inc.
As the temperature ramps down over the growing period (assuming you use the temperature ramping feature), you
may reach a temperature at which evaporative cooling should not be used. Specify a Minimum On Temp for the
evaporative cooling devices. If you have set up staged cycles for a device, the minimum is applied to Cycle 1. The
temperature differences for the other cycles are maintained (cycle one should be set up as the lowest temperature
when you use cycles).
The following charts illustrate the effect of using a Minimum On Temp for an evaporative cooling device.
The next menu item is the current On Temps for each evaporative cooling cycle. The last temperature displayed is
the current Full On Temp. The Full On Temp is also influenced by the Minimum On Temp.
Cool Pad, Mister and Fogger Settings - continued
The device will not turn on unless the temperature is at or above the temperature you input here.
Minimum On Temp: 80.0
Min Temps: 84.0, 86.0, 88.0, 90.0, 94.0
Minimum On Temp
If the Cycle Timers are not going to be used and the device should run continuously until the
Temperature drops below the Off Temperature, the Cycle #1 On Temperature should be set at or above
the Full On Temperature setting, the Cycle #1 On Time should be set to a non-zero value and the Off
Time be set to 0. Otherwise the device will turn on above the Full On Temperature and shut off
below the Full On Temperature.