® 2018 Valco Companies, Inc.
Updating the new HMI (white screen).
With the new HMI board (white screen), the software update is not done automatically like it was with the old HMI
board (green screen). You will be asked to select which file to update from. The file name will end in “hex”, such as
The update procedure is outlined below, along with screen images. Please note that in any of the spots during the
update procedure that waits for some type of user intervention, if no hotkeys are pressed within 30 seconds,
the update process will be aborted and the system will start up with the currently loaded software and begin
normal operations.
Here are the steps required to update the VPII.
1. Copy the hex file onto a blank SD Card.
a) It is recommended that a blank SD card be used with the update, and the original SD card be replaced at the
end of the update.
b) However, you can use the original SD card to hold the hex file. If this is done, the hex file should be removed
from the SD card once the update is complete. Otherwise, there is up to a minute delay on each and every
startup, while the bootloader waits to see if the Enter key is going to be pressed.
2. Power down the controller.
3. Remove the current SD card from the controller and insert the SD card with the Hex file on it.
4. Restart the controller.
5. The system will pause at the following screen for 30 seconds.
6. Press the ENTER key to proceed to the software update procedure.
Ventra II HMI Bootloader v 01.01.09
Compiled Mar 27 2018 @ 12:56:34
To load file from SD card, Press ENTER.
To skip program load, Press CANCEL.
7. Use the Plus and Minus keys to start scrolling through the possible update hex files on the SD Card.
a) The file for each software version will have a different name which will include the version number. Multiple
update Hex files can be on the same SD card, and the user will need to select which file to use.
Press , CHANGE - to scroll list,
ENTER to select program, CANCEL to exit.
8. The screen below shows what the screen will display as you press the Plus or Minus key.
a) The top line shows the hex file name (M1_00_00_52.hex), the version number (, and the date
the hex file was created (05/23/18).
b) The bottom line shows the application description.
c) Note: the numbers on the right hand side of the second line are for debugging purposes.
M1_00_00_52.HEX 05/23/18
Ventra PRO APP M1.00.00.52 0X9D036000
d) The last screen viewed, when pressing the Plus Key displays the version information for the currently loaded
application software. Use this screen to see what is currently running on the system before doing the
software update.
Current loaded app:
Ventra PRO M1.00.00.52 05/23/18