® 2018 Valco Companies, Inc.
Minimum ventilation is the process of bringing outside air into a building even when the indoor temperature and
humidity do not require it. This helps keep ammonia, dust and carbon dioxide from accumulating.
Purging is the process of evacuating stale contaminated air and replacing it with fresh air. This is necessary when a
building is closed up for a long time, as during cold weather. Purging is initiated when humidity reaches the level and
length of time you set. Purging will not occur if curtains are open. Any combination of fans and air inlets can be set up
to purge.
Tunnel mode uses air inlets or curtains located at one end of the building and tunnel fans at the other end to trans
form the building into a wind tunnel. This creates a wind chill effect for the animals. Tunnel mode is often used in
warm climates where natural/power ventilation cannot adequately cool the animals.
While entering and exiting tunnel mode, the tunnel curtains are moving to or from their tunnel positions. During
this time, if all the tunnel fans are turned on, the curtains may not be able to move because of the suction generated
by these fans. It is recommended that a limited number of fan groups be designated as ENTRY/EXIT fans to reduce
this effect.
More detail on setting up ventilation modes will follow in the Temperature Control and Sidewall, Tunnel and Ceiling
Inlet Setting menus.
Entering & Exiting Tunnel Mode
If you experience problems, refer to Appendix 4: Troubleshooting, beginning on page 166.
Essential Background Information - continued