® 2018 Valco Companies, Inc.
9. Once the screen is showing the hex file to be used for updating, press the ENTER key to start the update
process. The processing of the update will take 15 to 20 seconds. The process will:
a) Validate the hex file before updating the system.
b) Process the update.
c) Verify the memory image once the update has been processed.
Updating the new HMI (white screen)-continued
Ventra II HMI Bootloader v 01.01.09
Validating update file (command 6,145)
Ventra II HMI Bootloader v 01.01.09
File verified: M1_00_00_52. HEX
Ventra II HMI Bootloader v 01.01.09
Processing Update (command 3,073)
Ventra II HMI Bootloader v 01.01.09
Verifying memory image (command 4,097)
Ventra II HMI Bootloader v 01.01.09
Update completed successfully.
10. Once the processing of the update is done, you will be asked to remove the SD card that contains the Hex file.
a) This is recommended, but not required.
b) Leaving in a SD card with a hex file on it will cause the startup of the controller to be delayed by up to
1 minute.
Please remove software update SD card.
11. After removing the Update SD card, put the original SD card back into the controller’s SD card slot.
a) Once inserted, the bootloader will show the free space on the SD card and continue with the normal
startup routine.
SD card free space = 7,587 MB.