® 2018 Valco Companies, Inc.
Chimney Damper Settings - continued
Full Close Travel Time
Input the time it takes for the chimney damper to close completely. The controller uses this time to determine how
closed the damper is, so enter the exact travel time. If a Position Sensor is attached to the Chimney Damper, the
travel time will be set automatically when the Position Sensor is calibrated.
Full Close Travel Time: 0:45
The Chimney Dampers readjust automatically with the controller when they open or close completely. When the
device is within 1”, or within three seconds of travel time, of fully open or closed, the channel is left on, allowing the
limit switch of the device to stop the moving of the device. This allows both the Chimney Damper and controller to
synchronize their positions.
Perform Re-Sync at 0:00
However, you can have the device perform this re-synchronization manually once a day if needed. Set “Perform
Re-Sync at” to the time of day to perform the re-synchronization. If the device is less than 50% open at the specified
time, the controller will turn on the Close relay for the full amount of the Close Travel time of the device. If the de
vice is more than 50% open, the Open relay will turn on for the full Open Travel time. This will make sure the device’s
actual opening size matches the controller’s calculated opening size. Set the value to 0:00 to disable this feature. Set
it to 24:00 to have it run at midnight.
• If the device is moving when Re-sync is supposed to happen, the Re-sync operation will wait until
the device has stopped moving before it will turn the relay on for the full travel time.
• The Re-sync should be done at a time of day that will have the least effect on the environment of
the barn, such as early morning when it is less likely a lot of fans will be running.
• If the device seems to be out of sync often, check to make sure the manual winch has been
properly adjusted and the travel times of the device are accurate. Also check to make sure the
device settings allow the device to fully close or open at some point (Example: have at least one
“Fans On” setting at 0.0” opening size and one setting at full opening size).
Perform Re-Sync at : 0:00