® 2018 Valco Companies, Inc.
APPENDIX 4 - Troubleshooting - continued
Fuses/circuit breakers
keep blowing on a
Verify that you don’t have more than 16A on the circuit. You may have to divide the
equipment on that channel or wire in a contactor. If your thermal-protected contactor is
shutting the group off, check to see it is set for the proper amperage.
Motor may not have thermal overload protection device or may not be
impedance protected.
Equipment is defective, shorting out circuit.
Wire may be damaged. Follow wire to check condition. Especially possible if plastic
wire staples were not used to hold wires.
Relay board may need to be replaced.
Group turns off when
another group turns on.
Interlock is enabled for a channel. Check the Channel Interlocking section of the
Installation Manual
for information on adjusting Channel Interlock switches.
Feeder is not turning on.
If feeder turns on when you manually turn it to ON, you must program the feeder cycles.
Check the
Operation Manual
for setting up feeder cycles.
Scroll through alarms and clear any feeder run time alarms. Excessive feeder run time
alarms turn off feeder.
Curtain is open more/
less than machine says.
Check curtain drops. Do the curtains need to be cranked up manually and reconnected to
the curtain drops?
Turn the curtain close or open channel ON and move curtain to top or bottom manually.
Turn back to AUTO. The curtain will self adjust the next time it tries to open or
close completely.
Are the limit switches on the curtain machine set properly?
My static pressure is
too high/low.
Refer to the
Operation Manual
for information on adjusting the curtain/inlet open size
settings to the number of fans running.
Equipment groups are
set to come on at same
temp but don’t.
Is the Power Up Load Delay Time set more than a few seconds? This will delay the time
between groups turning on for the first five minutes after the controller is powered up.
Furnace does not start.
Has the furnace been off during summer months? Have you bled the line?
Is the furnace/heater interlocked with a curtain? If it is, the heater will not start if the
curtain is open.
Variable Speed Relays
not working correctly.
Check to make sure the DIP switches at the top left corner of the Switch Boards are set
correctly. See page 38 for more information.
4. Setpoint Temperature
The setpoint I set
If your animal age was 1 yesterday and you set up ramping yesterday, your animal
yesterday didn’t
age is changing daily. If you want to return to an age of 1, go to the Current Animal
hold. It’s too low
Information menu (Current Bird Information menu for controllers used in poultry
Make sure that ramping is set up properly. For an explanation of ramping, see the
Operation Manual