Getting Familiar with your EA IsoLink IRMS System for CNSOH
Furnaces Compartment
Thermo Scientific
EA IsoLink IRMS System for CNSOH Operating Manual
Instruction for operation of the furnace
The furnace temperature is monitored by a thermocouple located inside the furnace. The furnaces are
cooled when required by the operator or if there is a safety cut-off. The cooling time depends on the
operating temperature and the room temperature.
1. The furnaces should not be operated above the maximum temperature stated in the operating
instructions, which is 1100 °C and is limited by the software.
2. When the Elemental Analyzer is not being using for sample analysis, either for periods of several
hours (e.g. overnight) or periods lasting several days or longer, the furnaces should be placed into
Stand-By Mode as defined by the Standy-By Mode which can be activated automatically at the end
of a sample sequence.
If the instrument is not used for a long period of time (e.g. several weeks) it is recommended
to switch off the furnaces. The furnaces should be cooled down using the furnace Cool Down
procedure in the Isodat Software Suite.
b. After a Stand-By period or period where the furnaces are switched off, the furnaces should be
brought back to operating temperature following the furnace heat-up procedure defined in the
3. The operator must not cause a short-circuit with the furnace heating element or it’s connections,
or the furnace thermocouple. Only a qualified service engineer should check or test this. Operator
interference on these parts is not covered by the warranty.