Operating Manual
Page 87 / 116
Copyright © REA Elektronik
REA ScanCheck 3n
V 1.2.0 24/02/2020
On the
second menu screen
, which is accessed
with “
”, the user determines whether individual measurements
or multiple measurements should be executed with the specified
With this selection, the operating mode of the red <
button is
determined on the REA ScanCheck 3.
multiple measurement
, a preselected number of individual
measurements must be executed with one code, followed by a
complete evaluation of the mean value of the individual
measurements with an overall scan reflection profile result.
A multiple measurement can be interrupted at any time by pressing
the button key <
> on the REA ScanCheck 3n (see chapter 5.5.2).
In the
field it is possible to enter values between 2 and 10.
If the device is remote-controlled by the REA TransWin32 software,
this conversion is not necessary because a scan test for individual
measurement and a further test for multiple measurements is available here.
By activating the box “exclude undecoded measures”, it is possible to specify that individual
measurements, for which decoding was not possible, should be excluded from the formation of the
mean value.
Activating the box “use mil as unit instead of µm” displays the metric absolute values in mil.
Furthermore, using the further selection points it is possible to specify whether the metric deviations
are displayed as relative values in % (default) or as absolute values in 1µm or 5µm steps.
On the
third menu screen
it is possible to specify
whether or which optional parameter should be displayed.
If the
field is selected, this parameter will be displayed and
included in the evaluation and in the overall classification.
These parameters are either rated with class 4 (good) or class 0
is selected (for display), the respective parameter is
displayed in the evaluations and included in the individual
evaluation, but not in the overall classification.
is selected, the parameter is not displayed or considered in
the overall evaluation.
Print Contrast Signal
This print contrast value is determined from the maximum
and minimum values of the symbol contrast values for the reflection
of the bars and spaces, including the quiet zones on the left and right.
This print contrast value is determined from the poorest reflection values of
neighbouring bars and spaces transitions.
The values for the largest bar width deviations can be evaluated here
The mean value of all bar width deviations is evaluated here
The largest gap width deviations can be evaluated here
This is the maximum and minimum deviation of the width from the neighbouring bars
and space pairs
This is the maximum width deviation of all bars and spaces required for the
encryption of one codeword of the code symbology (e.g. nominal 7 modules in an
EAN/UPC code)
This is the smallest difference between narrow and wide bar widths in bar code types
with only 2 different bar widths (e.g. Codabar, Code 39, Code 2/5i).
Quiet zones
Here it is possible to set the evaluation of the quiet
zones to “display”, although this
should be avoided due to the specifications of ISO/IEC.