Operating Manual
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Copyright © REA Elektronik
REA ScanCheck 3n
V 1.2.0 24/02/2020
With the TransWin32 icon, the REA verifier software is started. “VeriCube Barcode Verifier” and
“MLV-2D Barcode Verifier” are programs that are started as “device service” (no window, only an
icon in the task bar). Both are started automatically together with the start of TransWin32 and are
closed when it is ended.
REA ADB is the article database for managing, creating and importing article data, which is to be
used with the REA verifiers. The program is started by the user as required.
The article database is optional and can only work with the REA verifier when the program licence
was bought and activated in the program.
3.7 Updating the operating software in the REA ScanCheck 3n
The REA ScanCheck 3n operates in an independently embedded computer system and the
software programs installed on it. This software is always up-to-date in the current version at the
time of delivery, and is also on the CD ROM supplied.
REA will continue to work on improvements and updates in the future, and these will be made
available to the customer for the purpose of updating their devices. REA therefore makes the latest
respective versions available to download on the internet in the support area.
The address is:
information required for access is:
User name: REA_Verifier
Password: REA-C36754
The software on the CD and in the download area consists of device software (firmware) and PC
software. The PC software must only be updated if TransWin32 is in use, or if the verifier is
licensed for this option.
If the REA ScanCheck 3n is operated with TransWin32, the PC software forms a unit with the
device software.
If a new version of TransWin32 has been installed on the PC, the program will indicate that the
device software must be updated following connection with the REA ScanCheck 3n. The version on
the PC and device should always be the version from the same download package.
A file “history”
is included in the download package that shows a list, which software versions should be used
If work takes place with TransWin32, it is recommended that the PC software be
updated before the device software.
Updating the verifier software can take place in a number of ways:
With USB storage device
With the “Service Tool” software on the CD and in the download folder
By using TransWin32 (if the option is activated in the REA ScanCheck 3n)