Operating Manual
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Copyright © REA Elektronik
REA ScanCheck 3n
V 1.2.0 24/02/2020
the date of manufacture of the REA ScanCheck 3. The basic adjustment must only be repeated if
calibration fails despite readjustment and device cleaning. Failure can also be caused by damaged
calibration cards. The card must therefore be in a reliably fault-free condition.
The information “Last white adjustment:”, “Last metric adjustment:” and “Last metric fine
:” indicates when the user of the ScanCheck 3n performed the adjustment process for
the last time. This information appears on every test report.
The information is accepted with the <STORE> button, or by navigating to <OK> and the <OK
ENTER> button (ESC cancels the process). The user is prompted to set the REA ScanCheck 3n
correctly against the calibration card.
If the position is correct, the screen shows a roughly horizontal line (in the white field).
If the white field shows something else (see figures above), this may be due to the following
1. The device is not correctly positioned on the white field
2. With previous adjustment, the white adjustment was performed on an incorrect underlay
3. The device exhibits a defect and must be repaired by the manufacturer (the red beam
output window can be checked and cleaned by the user).
If the laser beam of the ScanCheck 3 is fully positioned in the white field, the process can be
started with the <STORE> or <OK ENTER> button.
Position of the laser in the white field
Once the process has been completed successfully, the next step
appears on the device display
Adjustment OK means that the previous step has been completed
successfully. The laser beam is now positioned on the card such
that the beam crosses the lines at a 90° angle.
The display shows a reflection curve with a zebra stripe pattern.
If the position is correct, the metric adjustment is started with the
<Store> or <OK Enter> button.