Operating Manual
Page 21 / 116
Copyright © REA Elektronik
REA ScanCheck 3n
V 1.2.0 24/02/2020
3.3.3 <3> Reboot device
With this menu item it is possible to execute a restart of the complete system. Executing this
command can be useful if the device no longer reacts as expected.
3.3.4 <4> Terminate GUI
With this, it is possible to close the graphical user interface. This
command is only expedient for service purposes. Closing takes a
few seconds.
The REA ScanCheck 3n display turns black and white.
The operating system only displays the text line editor. This only
reacts to respective text commands.
<0>,<OK Enter>
displays a selection menu.
The GUI can be restarted by entering the following command
<OK Enter>
The restart takes a number of seconds.
The REA ScanCheck 3n can also be switched off completely from
this menu with the button sequence
<OK Enter>
If a software update is executed with a USB memory stick from
this operating mode, this can be started with the command
<OK Enter>
If the device no longer starts automatically due to unforeseen
malfunctions, the automatic start can be reactivated with the
command sequence
<OK Enter>
The further menu items (11, 111, 2, 20, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9) are
intended in particular for service and test purposes. Some of the
menu items are also available to the user in the GUI, such as
saving device data.
3.3.5 <5> Reboot Verifier
With this menu item it is also possible to restart the verifier program for the code evaluation. A
restart may be useful if the data communication with the PC program does not react in the normal
manner for example.