Operating Manual
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Copyright © REA Elektronik
REA ScanCheck 3n
V 1.2.0 24/02/2020
14.4 Warning
The software is not error-tolerant and has not been developed or produced for
use in potentially hazardous environments in which faultless operation is
required, such as in nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication
systems, in air traffic control, in life-support machines or in weapons systems
in which a technological failure would result directly in fatalities, personal
injury or serious material or environmental damage.
14.5 Liability
The user makes use of the program entirely at their own risk. REA shall not be liable for
damages caused or endured by the user or third parties as a result of using or distributing the
software. Under no circumstances shall REA be responsible for any lost revenue or profit, loss
of data or for direct, indirect, specific, logically ensuing, incidental or inclusive damage claims
brought about by the use of the software product or the impossibility of using the software
product, regardless of any theoretically existent possible liability. This shall apply even if REA
has been notified about the potential for such impairments.
Subject to technical alterations
REA Elektronik GmbH, D-64367 Mühltal, Germany