Chapter 8 Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting “Library Not Ready” Messages
Scalar i500 User’s Guide
Restoring the Library
Configuration and Library
You can restore the library’s configurable items to a previous state using
a saved configuration file. If you updated the library firmware since last
saving the configuration, the library automatically restores the library
firmware to the version that was saved with the configuration.
You can also downgrade library firmware to an earlier version using the
Tools > Update Library Firmware
command. Note that you will lose all
your current library configuration information except for network
settings, date and time, and license keys. You can restore the other
configurable items using a configuration file that was saved when the
earlier version of library firmware was installed on the library, or you can
reconfigure your library’s settings.
The Configuration operation is available only on the web client. The path
to open the appropriate screen is:
• From the web client, select
Tools > Save/Restore Configuration
Troubleshooting “Library Not Ready” Messages
The operator panel and web client each include a header that contains the
company logo, product name, and the three main navigation buttons
, and
. In addition, a message in the header alerts you
when the library is not ready. (No message displays in the header when
the library is in a ready state.)
On the operator panel,
flashes at regular intervals
whenever the library robotics are not yet ready to perform library
functions. To view more information about the library’s condition, select
Tools > About Library
. The
field on the
About Library
screen will
Not ready
, followed, when applicable, by a brief explanation. For
example, if the library door is open, the
field will display:
Not ready,
door is open
The header in the web client also alerts you when the library is not ready.
For instance, if the library door is open, the header will display the
following message:
Library’s door is open