Other Issues
Bluetooth Blues?
Restart the Bluetooth device. Completely power it down, then power it back up.
Restart DLZ Creator. This is especially useful after firmware updates.
A simple reboot can sometimes work great wonders.
Time for a Firmware Upgrade?
Go to mackie.com and look for the file named ‘DLZ Creator Firmware Installation Instructions’.
Using a Windows-driven computer and need to install the Mackie USB Driver?
Go to mackie.com and look for the file named ‘DLZ Creator USB Driver Installation Instructions’.
FX, microSD/USB, samples and/or other issues?
Please email or call Technical Support if you are having any other issue not listed here:
o 1-800-898-3211
Sometimes words just aren’t enough. As a writer, that makes me sad, but I also have a wife who is more of a ‘watcher’
than a ‘reader’ and perhaps that is you, as well. If you’re more of a ‘watching videos’ person and ‘reading comprehension
really isn’t my thang’, then please check out some videos we made while I go cry in the other room...
Introducing the DLZ Creator Mixer for Podcasting and Content Creation
Getting Ready for Your First Podcast in Minutes
Expanding Control with Enhanced Mode
Maximizing Your Creative Tools with Pro Mode
Quick Headphone Mixing In Pro Mode
Managing Four Mics At Once With AutoMix
For warranty service, refer to the warranty information on page 94.
Non-warranty service for Mackie products is available at a factory-authorized service center. To locate the nearest service
center, visit www.mackie.com, click “Support” and select “Service Center Locater”. Service for Mackie products living outside
the United States can be obtained through local dealers or distributors.
If you do not have access to our website, you can call our Tech Support department at 1-800-898-3211, Monday-Friday during
normal business hours, Pacific Time, to explain the problem. Tech Support will tell you where the nearest factory-authorized
service center is located in your area.